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Team Registration
About VSA
The governing body of volleyball in SA.
Volleyball News
Keep up to date with news and results.

The History of Volleyball

Volleyball was invented in 1895 in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It actually began as a game called Mintonette. William G. Morgan, a physical education director at the local YMCA, created the indoor game, incorporating aspects of handball and tennis. READ MORE



  • Developing a value system that is representative of the rainbow nation
  • Being a top class professional Volleyball organisation in the world, and the best professional Volleyball Federation in Africa
  • Developing world class game skills
  • Developing world class management and customer service skills
  • Developing world class strategic alliances
  • Sustaining a coaching philosophy based on positive reinforcement, encouragement and motivation, while providing a disciplined environment
  • Enhancing the marketability of the organisation

Our Vision

To transform into an organisation leading the growth of Volleyball in South Africa by inspiring our nation through passion for the game.


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